Liner Regression Examples
Easy To Understand Examples Solved In Excel
This Excel file shows examples of implementing Linear Regression for a number of different problems. The examples show things such as simple linear regression, correlation, and R squared. Some of the more complicated examples show how to solve multiple linear regression as a series of simple linear regressions.
All of the examples are solved in Excel, and you can quickly change the input or the functions to get new results for different problems.
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What You'll Get from This Free, Downloadable Excel File:
- Progressively more difficult problems exploring different aspects of Linear Regression
- Examples on real world data, such as recreating Moore's Law and predicting the number of viewers on future episodes of television shows
- Examples with the goal of giving you an intuitive understanding of Linear Regression
- Solutions to complicated problems, such as how to do Multiple Regression as a series of simple linear regressions, which make it easy to understand
- All examples are set up to easily change the input, and see the effects
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