Random Forest Examples
Random Forest Python Programs & Excel Examples Of Key Equations
This zip file contains 5 different Python Programs utilizing easy to understand Random Forest and Decision Tree examples. Those examples include cross validation, looking at all the decision trees in a Random Forest individually, examples of the differences between Random Forests and Decision Trees among other information.
Also included is an Excel file that has a lot of useful information on how Random Forests work, such as the equations that they use to calculate information gain, which is how they decide where to split a given criteria
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What You'll Get from This Free, Downloadable Zip File:
- A Python program with as simple a Random Forest as you can have, using the Iris dataset
- Four more python programs that give examples of decision trees and random forests using cross validation, and different parameter tunings
- The fruit data set that was shown in the book
- An Excel file that contains the examples for Gini & Entropy information gain, as well as an example for feature importances and other information
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